“Independent art and an independent voice in the world today are more important today than ever. In my experience, the independent arts scene gives voice and space to artists and communities who are often marginalised or silenced by main stream society. We need independent arts to start, and continue, uncomfortable and challenging conversations. The arts can provide a mirror to society and enable us to think about how far we have or haven’t come. In this moment of global socio-political upheaval and climate change I think that’s more important than ever.”
Ayeesha is a proud Māori Grenadian woman, born in Grenada and raised in Meanjin/Brisbane. She is the Artistic Director of the highly acclaimed Black Birds and an interdisciplinary artist who seeks to spark social consciousness through her work. A graduate of WAAPA, Ayeesha has worked with the likes of Griffin, PACT, The Joan & PACT, performed in numerous Indi works & become a part of the FBi Radio Arts & Culture team.