Donate FFS*

Fringe needs visionaries, champions and… money. Please support us FFS*.


*(for Fringe’s sake)




Fringe is the place where artists test out new work, forge their skills, build their careers and develop their audiences. Every part of the cultural sector of Sydney is touched by Fringe.

We enable the next generation of arts works, nurture the next smash hit touring show and present Sydney’s real cultural identity to audiences.

The Sydney Fringe Fund will help us deliver our bold vision for the future.

Over the next five years, we want to turn Sydney pink, we want festival hubs everywhere, we want our festival garden to grow all across Sydney, we want people flying in just to see brand new Australian-made work, and we want that work to tour the world. We want more artists performing, more audiences experiencing and more people falling in love with the cultural heartbeat of Sydney. We want to give Sydney and Sydney’s artists the fringe they deserve.

Where does the money go?

The Sydney Fringe FFS Fund will be used to leverage opportunities we wouldn’t otherwise be able to achieve, to help deliver our bold but achievable vision.

We’re talking:

  • Enabling artist commissioning and development support
  • Securing unique programming and curation opportunities
  • Supporting our Accessibility, First Nations, CALD and lower SES projects

And LOTS of other stuff we’re happy to discuss with you …